It is with great sadness that we advise the death of Bob Meikle, the instigator, founding member and stalwart of the Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club (Inc).

Bob not only worked for the rights of fishers for this Club, but for all recreational fishers, especially for those here in the South Island.

He was for many years a member of the then, Ministry of Fisheries South Island Marine Fisheries Advisory Body. He has been an advisor on the ministries Hector’s Dolphin Threat Management Advisory committee and was also a longstanding member of the Akaroa Taiapure management committee.

Bob instigated the application for a marine reserve at Flea Bay as an alternative to the proposal for one within the Akaroa Harbour. His aim was to keep the harbour available for safe family fishing, especially those in smaller boats that could not go outside the heads. Bob, with others from Akaroa Harbour Recreational Fishing Club (Inc), together with the Canterbury Marine Fishers Association spent hundreds of hours with consultation meetings, submissions and mail outs to get the marine reserve in place.

The application for the Pohatu marine reserve in Flea Bay was successful and gazetted. However, the Department of Conservation saw fit to continue with the original marine reserve application within the harbour, much to the Club’s disappointment.

Other projects that Bob has been deeply involved with include the Marine Mammal Sanctuary and the effects this has had on fishers in Akaroa Harbour and beyond. He fought tirelessly to get changes to allow some but restricted set netting in kelp areas of the harbour.

Recording Hector’s dolphin mortalities has been another big project Bob had in hand. From official records every dolphin death has been recorded and the reason for its death noted. This was to ensure recreational fishers were not getting unnecessary blame as has happened in the past.

The formation of Fish Mainland, an organisation formed to represent marine fishers in the South Island was another development close to Bob’s heart. He and others have been fighting for this or similar organisation for several years.

There are numerous other things Bob has worked on for the benefit of fishers and for the protection of the marine environment, but too many to mention here.

Regretfully, there are many fishers who are unaware of all the work that goes on behind the scenes and assume fishing is their right.

Bob will be remembered for his vast knowledge of fishing and its practices, his honesty and integrity and the never-ending amount of work he put into ensuring there will be a future for recreational fishing. For this we must be very grateful and continue with his work for the benefit of all fishers.

There has already been a private cremation for Bob. However, a memorial service to celebrate the life and times of this great man is to be held at:

The Chapel, Christ’s College, Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch.

On Sunday 3rd December 2023 at 2.00 p.m.

This will be followed by chat, the sharing of memories and refreshments in the Chapman Room.

To assist with catering please RSVP to: to confirm your attendance.

Finally, Fish Mainland Members please note that in honour of Bob, and to accommodate those who will attend his memorial, our 2023 AGM is rescheduled from the 3rd to the 10th of December.


There is a better way to ensure marine protection


The politics of recreational fishing