Upcoming election of Directors of the Board

Fish Mainland Inc is a Member-based organisation which serves its Members while also having charitable objectives that benefit the wider public. Fish Mainland’s broader public service is to represent the interests of all South Island and Stewart Island fishers, whether Members or non-members alike. Its services also extend to the whole community through actions taken to protect the marine environment for future generations.

The purpose of certain Constitutional rules, procedures and bylaws is to demonstrate the democratic control that Members have over the organisation by nominating, electing and removing Directors of the Board, and limiting their terms in office and holding them accountable.

The nomination of candidate Directors is an important first step in ensuring good governance and succession planning. In addition to demonstrating valued skills and expertise, candidates must be willing to fill leadership roles to ensure the organisation is sustained and effective. Each step of the election procedure must ensure integrity, transparency and equality (e.g. each Member has one vote and election results based on majority rule).

The Constitution states that Ordinary Members (individuals) who reside and/or own property in the South Island or Stewart Island are eligible to vote for Regional Directors of the Board, as are the appointed delegates of Financial Members (incorporated societies, companies or charitable trusts) that are located on either Island.

Now is the time to sign up as a Member and consider nominations for candidate Regional Directors.

Nominations must be put forward by 17 October to: info@fishmainland.nz

The election of Regional Directors will occur during Fish Mainland’s first AGM on 31 October in Christchurch. The Members who cannot attend the AGM can join and vote via a Zoom meeting or vote by proxy or absentee form.

Each Regional Director will be elected by the Ordinary Members who reside and/or own property and the Financial Members’ delegates in their respective regional groupings:

1.       Tasman District, Nelson City, Buller District and Grey District;

2.       Marlborough District and Kaikoura District;

3.       Canterbury Region, excluding the Kaikoura District and the Waitaki District;

4.       Otago Region, Waitaki District and Westland District; and

5.       Southland Region, including Stewart Island.

Regional Directors will be expected to represent the interests of their respective regions as well as the interests of all South Island and Stewart Island fishers.

There will be two more Directors appointed by the South Island Mandated Iwi Organisations, and the Board will appoint two other Directors for their skills and expertise. The Board will also appoint an independent Chair.

Elected and appointed Directors of the Board demonstrate Fish Mainland’s mandate to represent recreational fishers in the South Island and Stewart Island. 

If you are interested in being a candidate for a Director role, or know someone who might be interested, please direct your enquiries to: Jim Crossland  (03) 355 9433  info@fishmainland.nz


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